Gazetteer of the Speaking Lands: Genius Loci

I’m so excited you guys picked Genius Loci, because this is one of my favorite bits of this setting or any other setting that features them.  The name is Latin, of course, and the basic idea is lifted out of Roman mythology, but I’ve mangled it rather thoroughly thereafter.  So here’s what a Genius Loci looks like in the Speaking Lands…


(Genius Loci singular; Genii Locorum plural)

The spiritual manifestation of a place, genii locorum are most often encountered in the wilds or the hidden corners of the world. While some are quite powerful and can bestow boons on those they find deserving, most are spirits of limited power and constant crisis. As a place spirit, a genius loci is obsessively focused on maintaining the status quo of its location. They do not want the places they represent to change, no matter if their charge is a beautiful grove of exquisitely balanced natural resources or a haunted graveyard spilling restless dead into the surrounding region. Genii locorum, therefore, are as often stubborn adversaries to the Speaking Peoples as they are wise benefactors.

Genii locorum are bound to the location they represent and do not manifest outside it. Some are further unable (or unwilling) to manifest outside of certain sacred sites within their region. Their appearance varies widely, but a common theme is an amalgamation of the local natural environment. In Xenix Gorge, one might appear as a mass of twisted vines that coil into a face; the genius loci of the Ouradon sewers presents as a humanoid constructed of dripping cobblestones. Others use different appearances, and some take on the inconspicuous guise of a regular person. The headwater spirits of Webiga tributaries often appear as lone cuca swimming down the river (never upstream).

Genii locorum may be sought out and consulted for advice and assistance, although their priorities are always narrowly defined. Securing their aid usually involves finding what ails the region and working to fix it, thus gaining the spirit’s benevolence.  Morgan Ramshorn of Tallus is renowned for finding and communing with genii locorum—they have literally written the book on the topic—which they use in their efforts to track and eradicate rogue ogres. It is a rare place that welcomes invasive cursed species, after all.

Most place-spirits manifest rarely, either through reticence or because of the amount of spiritual power it costs them to do so. Most are more likely to interact with familiar individuals through minor displays such as a welcoming breeze or leaving out gifts. Strangers are either ignored until they prove their worth, guided out of the spirit’s territory through misdirection, or expelled via violent manifestations. There are always exceptions, of course. The genius loci of Ardengeal Grove in particular meets regularly with the grove’s craftmasters and frequently grants audiences to deserving outsiders. It even participates in some of the public seasonal rites.

Nowhere are genii locorum more honored than the forests of Loratha, where they are treated with awe and veneration.  Groves are built around their sacred sites and maintained with religious dedication. Some have even argued that the region’s place spirits, not the elves, are the true rulers there. Certainly large swaths of Loratha history can be understood as an extended power struggle between the elven priesthood who maintain the groves and the lines of elven royalty. Whether the genii locorum have always pulled the priests’ strings or the priests have only claimed to represent the wishes of the spirits is less clear. The existence of a few forbidden genii locorum–and the priesthood’s concerted attempts to eradicate them–may be the purging of dissidents or the manifestation of conflicts between the genii locorum themselves.

I do love a good place spirit–primarily because, I think, I like places that have their own energy, their own spirit, and imagining that manifested as a being that you could talk to and interact with sounds really cool.  They are also, I find, a great element in games, where they can add a dash of the otherworldly while still being grounded in the immediate experience.

But now let us look forward to next week, and the gazetteer entry we’ll check out next.  Which one of these tickles your fancy?

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