Tabletop Roleplaying Games

  • Thumbnail for Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty

    It’s a card-based roleplaying game where you play madcap clockpunk versions of the Founding Fathers (and Founding Mothers) of the United States of America, fighting…

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  • Thumbnail for Full Light, Full Steam

    Full Light, Full Steam

    My very first published RPG. It’s steampunk Star Trek, more or less, with a very charitable interpretation of Empire. You can see in its adventure…

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  • Thumbnail for The Treasure of Hoth

    The Treasure of Hoth

    Back in the Smallville days, I made a handful of con-ready campaign scenarios for Cortex Plus.  These were my go-to scenarios that I could break…

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  • The Fight at Chichen Itza (SPoC #6)

    Welcome to the Yucatan! In this port-of-call, the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza is described as it is found in 1878: a rancho set…

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  • Samarkand at Crossroads (SPoC #4)

    It’s been two months in the making, but it’s finally here: Samarkand at Crossroads, the December 2014 / January 2015 port-of-call. This one’s even got…

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  • The Reef of Heaven (SPoC#5)

    With this short month coming to a close, it’s time to release this 7000 word port-of-call for Nan Madol, titled The Reef of Heaven. After…

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  • The Detroit Machine (SPoC #2)

    The Steampunk Port-of-Call for October is The Detroit Machine Espionage, industry, ambition, and skullduggery — all the ingredients for a thrilling port-of-call for our picaresque…

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  • The Ruins of Angkor (SPoC #3)

    In November’s port-of-call you’ll find a detailed description of the Angkor region of Kambuja, itself a protectorate of the Rattanakosin Kingdom of Mueang Thai. Home…

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  • As Souk al-Wardi, Timbuktu (SPoC #1)

    Here’s the first Patreon-backed Steampunk Port-of-Call, As Souk al-Wardi! The globally-renowned destination for all your atlantean artifact acquisition (and offloading) needs, the Pink Market is…

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  • Thumbnail for Primed… for Murder

    Primed… for Murder

    Councilwoman Delores “Dee” Seiste—businesswoman, politician, and pillar of the community—lies dead at your feet, murdered at the hands of one of you, her dinner party…

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