Tabletop Roleplaying Games

  • Thumbnail for Diary of a Ceres Rider

    Diary of a Ceres Rider

    Whoops, it looks like when I moved websites I left an orphan behind. Diary of a Ceres Rider is an experimental build of Cortex built…

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  • Thumbnail for Emporium of the Speaking Lands

    Emporium of the Speaking Lands

    The idea for Emporium—a big long list of nifty SFX to add to your gear and other cool stuff—has been knocking around my head since…

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  • Thumbnail for The Court of the Tyrant at Tour Toriel Released!

    The Court of the Tyrant at Tour Toriel Released!

    The Court of the Tyrant at Tour Toriel is finally released, out in the wild, and most importantly off my desk! This is the fourth…

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  • Thumbnail for Blast from the Past: Steampunk Ports-of-Call

    Blast from the Past: Steampunk Ports-of-Call

    Once upon a time, I developed a steampunk roleplaying game called Renegade Jennys and Boilerplate Jacks. It never got past playtesting for various reasons. One…

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  • Thumbnail for Cortex Prime Cheat Sheets

    Cortex Prime Cheat Sheets

    These handy little half-sheets are quick and easy references and play aids for the Cortex Prime Roleplaying game. Cortex Cheat Sheets by Miriam Robern

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  • Thumbnail for Keystone Toolbox: Bestiary

    Keystone Toolbox: Bestiary

    The Bestiary of the Speaking Lands brings a veritable menagerie of animals and exotic creatures into your Cortex games. 100 SFX make each creature a unique gaming experience.…

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  • Thumbnail for Ascent to Prime: Keystone Tutorial Campaign

    Ascent to Prime: Keystone Tutorial Campaign

    Our heroes are out to do the impossible: infiltrate the impregnable fortress of Tour Toriel, climb its endless battlements, and confront its master, the Dread…

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  • Thumbnail for Lavender Marriage

    Lavender Marriage

    This one is near and dear to my heart: it’s a “lighthearted” comedy of manners where everyone has to navigate an impossible set of social…

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  • Thumbnail for The Vicious Crucibles

    The Vicious Crucibles

    These three interlocked print-and-play RPGs were an experiment to see if I could make a modular RPG that you could unbox and start playing immediately.…

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  • Thumbnail for Void Vultures

    Void Vultures

    Dungeoneering in space! With gritty not-space-marines! Fighting improbable and often silly monsters in order to scavenge food and fuel for their communities back home. This…

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