makes Books & Games & Things
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In this chapter, Susan gets: a) a shower, b) answers to questions, and c) slightly horny. A little something of everything! Hope you enjoy it,…
Happy Monday from Canada, where it’s actually a holiday Monday of… some provenance which most Canadians have completely forgotten. I’ve got a four-day workweek that’s going…
You ever notice how most teevee and movies present The Lonely Queer who’s all alone in their queerness and nobody understands them? One of the…
I got something done last week! Well… something was declared done last week. I didn’t actually do much last week, because I missed a Monday…
It does not take long for collapse of routine to destroy one’s sense of time, hence why I am posting this week’s Monday Morning video…
Brace for impact, folks, it’s SHOW WEEK here at the Robern household. I’m gonna be running around doing last-minute Drama Mama support stuff (and yes,…
Chapter three, edited and all spiffy. If you want to start reading from the beginning, check out Chapter 1: Quarantine. I’m enjoying going back through…
…in which Amelia goes to church. Since I am emulating the English pastoral romance, it was only inevitable that I’d need to include a complete…
It’s spring so my brain keeps wanting to do game design and I’ve come to understand there’s no arguing with it, only accepting its whims.…
Friends, I can already tell this week is going to be a doozy (details in video), so we’re going to set some reasonable, achievable creative…