makes Books & Games & Things
The lingering threat of the duffel bags has been vanquished and now we’re gonna make some cool queer stuff! This week’s creative priorities: 1. Create…
You ever had that one creative project—usually not one that you’re getting paid for, or is in any way actually necessary to anything—just completely eats…
Y’all thought you were free of me, but I’m back and even more excited about getting organized about making some cool queer stuff! To whit—this…
“I just don’t think we should call it breakfast any more,” George was saying as we tromped along with our work detail. The Mess dwindled…
“I’ll write a light, fluffy pastoral romance with a trans girl,” I said. And then a couple months later I was researching the nightmare that…
Steven Jensen had, at 22, launched a tech start-up which later sold for a few million dollars. Undeterred by his initial success, he launched three…
This chapter started off as just the introduction to the real meat of the chapter, but then it grew into its own chapter. It’s another…
Yay, clickbait title! The disgusting, messy truth is that I need to spend the week cleaning because my house is a MESS! And I want…
Susan had a nice little bright spot last chapter (after the looming existential dread), got a bee in her bonnet to make things better and…
Let’s see some rubber hit the road, shall we? Susan tries going to church and it… does not go well. But maybe it does not…